You love, you play and one day, love just happens! The planning process of a wedding can be overwhelming, and with that in mind, we here at DOCUplus have just what you need to make the day memorable. With Wedding Invitations, Programmes, Souvenir Items and other Wedding essentials for you to choose from, we are surely a one stop shopping experience. Whether you want to have us do your custom items or provide you with the stationery needed, we surely are helpful in both ways.

DOCUplus has different styles of wedding invitations for you to choose from. From simple and classy to exquisite styles that go beyond your expectations.

Styles available:

. Half Fold

. Tri Fold

. Flat

. Folded

. Layered

Rectangular Cake Box
Butterfly Cake Box
Handle Cake Box
Window Cake Box

Colour available: WHITE 

Wedding programmes add that detail to your big day. It's not only a way to record your ceremony, but provide guests with the experience of understanding what is happening.

Styles available:

. Gatefold

. Small booklet

. Fan

. Half Fold

. Tri Fold

. Tea Fold

. Flat

. Layered

Picot Ribbon
Organza Ribbon